Saturday, August 18, 2012

And again...and again!!

Well!  Since my last post I've actually run the longest run ever, ever, EVER twice more!  (Woo-hoo!!)  (Oh yeah, and I turned 35.  Whoa.)  2 weeks ago Michele and I ran 16mi and today Erin and I ran 18mi, and I finally feel like I might just be able to pull this crazy marathon thing off.  (Phew!)

The 16mi run actually kind of super sucked.  It was a ridiculously hot & humid day, a lot of the run was in the blazing sun, and it was a struggle to stagger back to Michele's house at the end.  

Today, however, it was high 60s and light rain, which was actually really pleasant to run in (although wet feet = new blister, booooo).  But, the rain kept the bike path virtually desolate, which was a major plus.  Here's the proof that the run was accomplished, straight from my nike+ account.

A screenshot straight from

Erin and I were pretty psyched with our run today - got our pace down to under 13:30min/mile.  Not too shabby!!  The weather was definitely a huge factor I think.  We did 2min/90sec run/walk intervals and I think that worked really, really well too.  Right now, that's definitely what I'm leaning towards for marathon day.

And I actually managed to do quite well running all my runs during my two weeks away (Lake Winnipaukee, home for a week, then Lake George).  In fact, despite my worry that I'd potentially slack off on vacation, it was the week home in between that I ended up not running...whoops!

But now there's only 2 loooooong runs left until the taper leading up to the marathon!  Next week 10mi, 2 weeks from now 20mi, then back to 10mi, then 23mi, and then 3 weeks of tapering.  Sweet!

The bonus for all this is that I actually got the hubs to start the couch to 5k program too!  Very proud of him.